Cara Pasang Google Translate di Blogger

Google Translate merupakan salah satu program yang memudahkan kita untuk berkreasi dan menambah pengetahuan kita tentang bahasa asing (selain bahasa Indonesia). Dengan Google translate ini anda tidak perlu lagi pusing dengan persoalan bahasa, silahkan anda berkreasi dalam blog anda dengan bahasa anda sendiri dan biarkan google translate menterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa lain yang anda inginkan ataupun pembaca blog kita....Read more...

Meningkatkan peringkat Alexa

Awalnya cuma iseng-iseng aja pengen punya blog sendiri (, karna saat itu banyak orang membicarakan tentang blog, kemudian bisa memperoleh “duit” dari blog dan banyak lagi lah. Setelah saya buat blog di saya mencoba menulis tentang hal-hal yang umum tentang kehutanan. Hasilnya setelah 2 (dua) bulan pengunjung blog masih sedikit sehingga saya malas untuk ngeblog lagi, maklum lah masih belajar ngeblog dan belum tau gimana caranya untuk meningkatkan jumlah pengunjung.

About Page Rank and Alexa

What is Page Rank? Page Rank ® (PR) is a measurement system developed by Google which displays consolidated visible factor link popularity. Figures generated for shows and unrelated with ratings. At one their time used to relate, but currently they not have relationships into site ratings. Some SEO's believe that after site hitting PR or five or higher, it will can ranked for many Download able 10 ratings within industry. ...Read more...

Blog Tips to Increase Ranking and Visitor Traffic

Many of these tips may be material information for us to increase the Page Rank, number of visitors to Blog or any other thing which aims to enhance your blog. Here are the things that be tips to enhance Rank Blog, Blog Traffic visitors I was looking at some sites, and I pour in my understanding.There are 8 (eight) simple tips, namely:...Read more...

SEO vs Search Engines

Now, almost all in the IRC chat room dibengkalaikan. Abandonment of a service could be due to the presence of other services that are superior, the lack of innovation that lead to boredom or because of the disruption of performance.Talking about the disruption of performance of services on the internet, can not be separated from the spam. Long since spam became bitter enemies of any services, ranging from chat, instant messaging, e-mail, forums, social networking, to search engines. You may ask, what kind of spam that affect the performance of search engines? ...Read more...

Campaign Blog by Alexa

Because the blog is still very new, so I immediately enrolled at the site that can be indexed faster. Many bloggers friends who said that one way to increase web traffic / blog that we have is by services. Some things I do for this, among other. There are some things we should do: ...Read more...


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